Jetcar Fiyatları Jetcar Prices


Antalya Express fiberglass fiber otomobil yüzen otomobil her marka ve renkte denizde yüzen otomobil sürücü belgesine ihtiyaç duymadan fiber deniz otomobiliyle özgürce denizde sürüşün keyfini çıkarın.Modelleme kalıplama isteğinize göre yapılabilir,adet yada toplu sipariş imkanı mümkündür.

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Jetcar, which looks like different models of cars, is waiting to be produced for you jet car is sent to wherever you are going to use it.We are making the same car of your dreams and if you want to experience the thrill of driving a jetcar on the seas and lakes, contact us and we will start producing immediately.

Express Fiberglass

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Cars moving on a jet-ski engine can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour. Those who look from the shore see an image of a car floating in the sea,you can get a price for having Floating Cars that can be manufactured in different car models.Production can be made to all countries, you can place a bulk order.

Superior Maneuverable Balance with Jet powered Car boats

With our sales policy in accordance with Turkey, the only marine vehicle you can drive by ordering right now has you can freely experience the feeling of car driving and happy moments all your life.You will also not need a driver's license to drive this Marine vehicle.. 

0536 846 08 82

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Jetcar, which looks like different models of cars, is waiting to be produced for you jet car is sent to wherever you are going to use it.We are making the same car of your dreams and if you want to experience the thrill of driving a jetcar on the seas and lakes, contact us and we will start producing immediately.If you are on vacation in Turkey at special prices or if you live in a city with a coast, you can have the only sea vehicle that you can drive anytime by ordering it right now.Antalya Express fiberglass fiber car floating car floating car floating car at sea of all makes and colors Enjoy free sea driving with a fiber marine car without the need for a driver's license.Modeling molding can be done according to your request, the possibility of ordering in pieces or in bulk is possible.

Jetcar, which looks like different models of cars, is waiting to be produced for you jet car is sent to wherever you are going to use it.We are making the same car of your dreams and if you want to experience the thrill of driving a jetcar on the seas and lakes, contact us and we will start producing immediately.

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